Multiple headstones were damaged Tuesday night at Reliance cemetery east of Bryan. The Texas department of public safety (DPS) reports a SUV drove off of FM 1179 and overturned after hitting the headstones. The driver [Read More…]
979 News
State Representative John Raney on WTAW
State Representative John Raney of Bryan visits with WTAW’s Scott DeLucia about the proposed budget,…
Tres Estudiantes De La Preparatoria Bryan Van Al Hospital Tras Comer Gomitas De THC
Tres alumnos de la escuela preparatoria de Bryan (BHS) van al hospital tras ponerse enfermos…
Recordatorios Del DPS Para El Fin De Semana Chilifest
Múltiples agencias de la ley ya han comenzado a aplicar la ley de tráfico en…