Nuclear power plants are coming to the Texas A&M system’s RELLIS campus in west Bryan. System chancellor John Sharp told reporters Wednesday (May 29) that they have targeted locations to build four or five reactors [Read More…]
979 News
Aggie Women’s Golf Earns Two Weekly Honors
News release from Texas A&M Athletics: BIRMINGHAM – Texas A&M’s Cayetana Fernández García-Poggio and Vanessa Borovilos…
Tres Estudiantes De La Preparatoria Bryan Van Al Hospital Tras Comer Gomitas De THC
Tres alumnos de la escuela preparatoria de Bryan (BHS) van al hospital tras ponerse enfermos…
Upcoming Meeting With Bryan City And TxDOT Officials Includes The Status Of Texas Avenue Medians
The end of Tuesday night’s Bryan city council meeting (January 14) included public comments repeating…